About Us

Dragons originated from the Good Samaritans Club in the 1960s – the youth club of the Anglican Chinese Church.  Chinese Anglican Youth Dragons Basketball Club started in 1974.  Earliest records show that Dragons held its first basketball tournament on 19-20 August 1972 at the Newtown Stadium and YWCA with twenty-eight teams participating. The Club’s first subscription fee introduced in 1977 at $2 per member. The Club’s first ever newsletter was sent out in November 1977 and was printed on foolscap paper. There were 76 paid up members in 1978.

CAY Dragons Basketball Club was incorporated under the name “Chinese Anglican Dragons Sports Club Incorporated” in 1980. The Club subscription fee in 1982 doubled to $4 per member. Gary Chin was appointed the Club’s first Life Member in 1983 followed by Major Yee in 1989.

The Club then changed its name from “Chinese Anglican Dragons Sports Club Incorporated” to “Chinese Dragons Sports and Social Club Incorporated” in 1993.  The Club’s first Miniball Fun Day was held in July 1992. Club subscriptions in 1994 were $30 for an individual and $65 for a family.

We now have a number of life members including the late Gary Chin, Major Yee, Leo Chin, Anna Young and Dean Chin, with over 300+ total members and growing to date.