Miniball Funday - Canteen Help

9 Jun

To all members, friends and supporters,

This year’s Miniball Funday will be held on Sunday 2 July 9am-4pm (one hour earlier than previous years). It will be our biggest Funday ever because we have huge numbers playing for Dragons, and the Canteen NEEDS YOUR HELP!

Please consider giving about 2 hours of your time to help our junior players have a successful Funday. Senior players: the miniball parents always man the canteen for the Dragons Tournament in September which is over 2 full days, so please repay them the favour to enable them to watch their children or grandchildren play at the Funday. It would be a shame not to provide food to our junior players and all other participants so please support us.

Canteen hours will be 9.30am – 3.30pm and we anticipate the shifts to be:

  • 9.30am – 11.30am
  • 11.00am – 1.00pm
  • 11.30am – 1.30pm
  • 1.30pm – 3.00pm

But if you can only give 1 hour of your time, it would be much appreciated. If you need to see the draw first, let us know and we will forward it to you as soon as we receive it. Include your email and mobile number so we can get back to you. We will require all helpers to wear a mask for health and safety precautions; we will provide masks, gloves and aprons.

We would really appreciate if you could indicate: Yes/no/maybe to helping in the Canteen.

Remember – if we cannot get enough helpers, we will NOT be running a canteen, so please give this your careful consideration, thank you.

Please email: Rowena at or 0274507234

Kind regards

Rowena, Anna, Vicki and Leo