Resumption of Club Activities.

24 Jun

Dear Members,

We have now entered COVID 19 Alert level 1. We have decided that the resumption of the club activities is reasonable based on the Ministry of Health guidelines and other sports activities resuming. Dragons basketball practice will resume from the 12th of July. We are encouraging that all participants at practice track when they are at practice for contact tracing purposes, that you maintain high levels of hygiene by regularly washing your hands and coughing into your elbows and that if you are sick or have symptoms of COVID 19 then please do not attend any Dragons activities. We have attached the COVID 19 poster for reference.

The AGM date will be the 19th of July at 1.00 pm and will be held in the Kereru Room at Walter Nash Stadium. This will be run after the Senior training.

At this stage Dragons is planning on running a cut down version of activities for the year. We do plan to hold our annual tournament in September, and we are in discussions for holding a Miniball tournament. This is dependent on the country staying in Alert level 1.

We look forward to seeing you in person. Please ensure to continue to stay safe and be kind as COVID 19 is still here.


Craig Chin on Behalf of the Dragons Executive Committee.